Do you think about mixing up your career path? Even people who truly love the work they do get caught in a period of wanting a change; to mix up the day-to-day, upend their career path or just think about where a different job could take them.
As the founder of my own business, where I am passionate day-in and day-out about connecting top tech talent with the organizations that need their skill sets, my mind sometimes wanders down the path of “what might be next,” particularly as it relates to the personal impact I am making on my career journey.
A new interactive graphic that originally appeared in the New York Times can get you in the same mind-wandering mindset. Using Labor Department data, the tool generates results for your “opposite job,” so you can see in the click of a button how to do a possible 180 in your career. Have a little fun and check out your opposite career. Even if you stay put in your desk or role, it’s always helpful, and sometimes inspiring, to think about what *could be* next.